Nowadays, you’d be hard-pressed to find an HR professional that didn’t understand the importance of promoting equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace.

When people feel empowered and diverse perspectives are brought to the table, organisations thrive. And so helping every employee feel a sense of belonging, regardless of their race, gender and other protected characteristics, isn’t just good people management, it’s good business too. 

What’s less clear-cut is how to go about choosing and implementing the right EDI initiatives for your organisation. This People Management Insight webinar, produced in partnership with Safeguard Global, will explore the practical strategies HR professionals can take to foster EDI, from employee research groups to hiring abroad.

Our expert panel will cover all this and more:

  • The principles of EDI: what equity, diversity and inclusion looks like and the benefits to the individual, organisation and society
  • Barriers to progress: we’ll explore the challenges HR leaders face when it comes to implementing EDI and discuss how to overcome them 
  • The options available: We’ll take a deep dive into initiatives like hiring abroad that are having the most impact on EDI in 2024, and the ethical considerations that go with them

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