It is crucial for HR teams to feel confident offering workforce insights that inform top-level decision-making and drive organisational change. Yet, for many HR professionals, understanding the types of data you need, how to collect it, connect its silos, and analyse it, seems daunting.

Well, fear not! People Management Insight's webinar, produced in partnership with Flip, explored how companies could embrace digitalisation and harness their data to become both slicker operators and better employers.

Our expert panel covered all this and more:

  • What’s out there? We discussed the types of data that could be collected by technology and the benefits of each.
  • What do you do once you’ve got it? We explained how to evaluate your data and spot the trends in order to offer valuable insights and make accurate future predictions.
  • What’s the point? We talked about how to effect real change in your organisation once you’ve conducted your analysis.

If you are building a data strategy, or overhauling your existing one, and appreciate some practical advice, you can still register to watch the webinar below.

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