The pandemic, and the prolonged strain it had on people’s “fight or flight” responses, has made people much more sensitive to stress.

In the workplace, this emotional volatility and vulnerability can manifest in higher levels of team conflict — 26% of managers say they have dealt with this in the past year — and lower overall productivity.

But stress looks different on each person, and so managers often struggle to spot the worrying behaviour presented by their team before it’s too late. This People Management Insight webinar, produced in partnership with TELUS Health, will discuss how leaders can develop a systematic approach which both helps them identify current burnout issues and mitigate against them for the future. 

Our expert panel will cover:

  • What behaviours should managers look out for and how do they differ depending on the age and performance of their team members?
  • What approach should managers take once stress has been identified?
  • How does investment in mental wellbeing support business sustainability and business success?

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