Creating a people-first, thriving culture builds engagement and loyalty. Indeed, recent analysis by Gallup found that highly engaged teams were 23% more profitable, 18% more productive and had 81% fewer instances of absenteeism when compared with disengaged teams.

We know that culture is driven by senior leadership but for many shift-based (or ‘deskless’) employees, most of their interactions are through their line manager. So, managers in this environment need more support to deliver engaging employee experiences. And in industries such as nursing and manufacturing, this is exacerbated further given the high levels of burnout and turnover coupled with the challenges of communicating with and training shift-based employees who often do not have access to computers. 

Join this People Management Insight webinar, produced in partnership with Humanforce, as we explore the importance of bolstering managers to enrich the employee experience. Tune in for insight and real-life examples on how to build trust and connection between leaders and employees.

Join the session to learn more about:

  • The connection between trust in leadership and employee job satisfaction and loyalty
  • Providing training and support to bridge the managerial skills gap
  • What frontline workers need from leadership in 2023
  • The importance of connection with your deskless workers
  • How to offer equitable flexibility to frontline workers and why this matters
  • Creating meaningful work and workload balance for deskless workers

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