As the world of work evolves, so must you. But kept busy with changing work patterns, increasingly high employee expectations and new legislation, at People Management Insight, we know it can feel pretty impossible to prioritise your own development.

 Well, this webinar — produced in partnership with Cranfield University’s Changing World of Work Group — is the perfect time to put yourself first so that you, your business and its employees can thrive. Now and in the future. 

Our expert panel will explore the following and more:

  • The essential checklist: We’ll discuss the broadening set of capabilities you need to stand out and have influence in the HR sector
  • Future-proofing your organisation: We’ll discuss how you can take a forward-focused perspective and understand developing trends and disruptions.
  • The tools to help: Organisations and markets evolving. Learn how you can harness them for your organisation’s competitive advantage using technology and with further education.

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