4 strategies to transform internal hiring and boost retention of your deskless workforce

4 strategies to transform internal hiring and boost retention of your deskless workforce

Remuneration budgets are tight, and skills shortages in frontline industries are going nowhere. Employers can retain their best employees by transforming their internal hiring. Read on to find out how.


According to Boston Consulting Group, the second highest reason for deskless employees to leave a job is lack of career advancement, cited after lack of flexibility and work life balance1. Yet 44% of HR leaders surveyed by Gartner do not believe their organisations have compelling career paths2. Knowing this, companies with retention strategies that benefit their staff and offer enticing career paths in 2023 will be rewarded with loyal, engaged people who are motivated to stay with their current employer. 

With skills shortages impacting almost every industry employing deskless or shift-based employees in 2023, retaining top talent is more important than ever. Increasing salaries can help but pay continues to grow at a slower pace than prices and salary increases can’t compete with inflation running at 10.5%. In frontline industries like retail, social care and healthcare, where pay is on the lower end of the scale, organisations need to consider alternatives to retain their staff.

Rather than spending increasingly stretched budgets on recruitment drives, organisations could focus instead on upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling internal talent. Here are some key strategies that will help streamline and enhance your internal recruitment.
