How to attract and retain Gen Z talent

12 June

How to attract and retain Gen Z talent

Gen Z will make up around 30 per cent of the workforce by 2030. So, it’s time for organisations to get to know them better: what are their priorities and what do they value? Only when armed with this information can businesses make smart decisions about attracting and retaining Gen Z talent.

To become more familiar with Gen Z, you can download our People Management Insight expert report, produced in partnership with Safeguard Global. We spoke to industry, employment and cultural experts to find out what matters to Gen Z, and set out five key steps to help organisations understand what appeals to this unique group of individuals.

From creating a healthy workplace culture to widening the talent pool through overseas hires, this expert report will help you find - and keep - the Gen Z talent you need.

While it is important to avoid generational stereotypes (all individuals in each cohort will of course be different), the following tips will help you understand what is likely to appeal to this group.

Download the report now.