After two years of disruption, the so-called Great Resignation is now well underway. According to figures from technology firm Owl Labs, around one-in-four UK workers are currently looking for a new job, and pressures around the cost of living could encourage others to do the same in the coming months.
For businesses, this has caused a degree of panic, forcing them to examine how they treat their employees and how they provide options for them to progress. Yet for many businesses, internal mobility is an under-developed area of focus. According to research conducted by People Management magazine in conjunction with Electric Circus, 70% of HR professionals think their organisation doesn’t have a clear internal mobility strategy, and a further 13% don’t know if one exists.
Read this upcoming People Management Insight expert report, produced in partnership with Electric Circus, as we explore organisations’ attitudes to the concept of internal mobility and the extent to which this is valued, what the potential blockers are to the development of a successful strategy and whether employers are missing a trick when it comes to addressing the struggle for talent by overlooking your own people.
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