5 steps to bridging the gap between HR and people

5 steps to bridging the gap between HR and people

What really drives employees? How can employers engage them through great workforce experiences? And how can technology  be used to design new ways of working? Join our webinar, in partnership with Sage, to find out. 

WebinarOne hourEmployee engagementHR technology

Effective communication in business is not just key for productivity – it also helps to create a happy and engaged workforce. When you encourage your employees to speak and they know their voices are being heard, they become contributors to success as opposed to passive participants.

In this session our expert speakers, brought to you in partnership with Sage, will look at what really drives employees. How employers can engage them through great workforce experiences, what role HR should play and how technology can be used to design new ways of working to drive better experiences. 

We will cover:

• Why employee experiences are so critical for success in today’s workplace

• How leaders can leverage tech and data to engage the workforce

• The importance of integrated communications

• How people-centred companies focus on designing better ways of working

• Methods for tailoring your people processes to reflect your brand and culture

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