Tim Perkins
With 15+ years’ experience in HR and reward, Tim has been at the forefront of innovation in the industry. Prior to nudge, Tim started his career as one of the founding team of Thomsons Online Benefits, the global benefits platform that brought benefits online.
In the space of just three months in 2012, the UK saw not one, but two, once-in-a-generation legislative changes hit the world of personal finance. The first, Auto Enrolment changed the pay and savings of over 10m people and the second, RDR, removed access to financial advice for 20m at exactly the time the most needed it.
Tim recognised that people now had an unprecedented level of responsibility for their money but didn’t have the confidence or knowledge they needed. They were crying out for help and that’s where the idea for nudge was born – a service filling the void between doing nothing and expensive financial advice.
Since then, nudge has grown rapidly, supporting almost half a million people to improve their financial wellbeing and create brighter financial futures for themselves and those they love.