Masterclass: how to make the business case for next-gen talent management

Masterclass: how to make the business case for next-gen talent management

Your guide to getting senior management buy-in for a new talent management platform

Talent management platforms are one of the many tools available to HR professionals to maximise value in their new (and existing) hires. But how do you communicate that value to the people who will sign off on one?

WebinarOne hourHR technologyTalent & recruitment

Talent management has emerged as a major priority for organisations of all sizes. However, despite the abundance of industry data demonstrating that improved talent management leads to better business performance, proving ROI can still be a challenge for HR. So how can HR build executive buy-in for their proposed talent initiatives and become viewed as true strategic partners to the C-suite?

In this webinar, David Perring, Director of Research at Fosway Group, will provide advice on how to build a successful business case for next generation talent management. Tune in to learn how to:

  • Summarise your case for the Executive Sponsors
  • Identify the real business drivers for change
  • Lay out the cost/benefit argument
  • Meet the expectations of millennials and future-proofing for tomorrow’s workforce
  • Prove and measure the ROI of talent management

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