Performance management starts with onboarding

Performance management starts with onboarding

How can you effectively integrate onboarding into your performance management strategy?

The first months of employment are critical in determining whether a new hire is up to the task, and what support they need. Yet too often, structured and mutually beneficial performance management fails to form part of an onboarding process. Join this webinar to learn how performance management can be integrated into an onboarding strategy, and why feedback and performance are changing for good. 

WebinarOne hourLearning & developmentPerformance & reward

The first few months of employment are critical in determining whether a new hire is truly up to the task, and what sort of support they will need as they build their career. Yet too often, structured and mutually beneficial performance management – drawing on the principles of regular feedback and two-way discussion – fails to form part of an onboarding process that may concentrate on the nuts and bolts at the expense of more profound performance concerns. 

How can performance management be effectively integrated into an onboarding strategy, to ensure those first weeks and months – whether or not they form part of a formal probation period – set the tone for what follows? How can goal-setting, learning opportunities and peer review make a real difference to a new starter? 

In this webinar, in partnership with Halogen Software, we explore the benefits of early performance management – and discuss how and why the cycle of feedback and performance is changing for good. 

You’ll learn:

  • Why performance management is changing, not dying
  • Why performance management needs to start as early as possible 
  • The difference between orientation and onboarding 
  • How to set reasonable and useful goals to manage expectations of employees and managers 
  • Key elements to include in an onboarding programme 
  • Examples of inspirational onboarding programme that drive performance

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