The Gender Pay Gap: understand the numbers, improve equality

The Gender Pay Gap: understand the numbers, improve equality

With new legislation taking effect in the UK in 2018 to promote transparency regarding pay inequality, do HR professionals have the necessary tools and skills at their disposal to ensure that this has the desired impact?

WebinarOne hourEmployment lawHR technologyPerformance & reward

Workplace equality is vital to any modern business, and new UK legislation will be introduced in April 2018 requiring companies with more than 250 employees to report a series of 6 gender pay gap figures covering both base salaries and bonuses, to highlight and tackle disparities between men and women.

But do HR departments have the necessary tools at their disposal to calculate the numbers, and then progress with the detailed analytics required to identify individual disparities and improve equality? What is the role of the organisation in addressing disparities between their male and female employees, not only when it comes to pay, but also in progression and access to opportunity? And can technology help unearth the underlying problems?

Tune in to this webinar to learn:

  • The experience of organisations who have analysed their progress so far

  • The reputational challenges that arise from gender pay reporting, and the immediate steps you can take to offer redress if you do have a pay gap

  • How to dig deeper into the data to understand where the real inequalities lie

  • How technology can help address the issue of inequality and pay disparities over the longer term

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