Five brilliant talent development strategies you can steal from major companies

Talent development is key for building and growing a successful business and maintaining an interested and engaged workforce.

A Harvard Business Review (HBR) study retrieving data from 2000 ‘emerging stars’ at 100 organisations found that nearly 40% of internal job moves made by people identified by their companies as ‘high potentials’ ended in failure. It also found 12% of those high-potential workers it surveyed were actively looking for a new job.

While this can be for multitude and varying reasons, a common denominator was poor development. So how do you get better at developing your staff? 

One path to success is by borrowing initiatives from some of the world’s most successful organisations. The quintet of businesses featured in this People Management Insight report, produced in partnership with ICS Learn, are household names across much of the globe, with access to resources relative to their size, but the practices and strategies highlighted should be universally transferable.

From investing in your employees by sponsoring professional qualifications to simply creating a healthy learning culture around mistakes and failure, here are five ways in which companies at the very top approach talent development.
